
I have the best job in the world.

I get to write and publish books for the world’s youngest and smartest readers. As a child, reading was my greatest joy and biggest escape. I cannot imagine a life without books, and now I get to share that passion with today’s children. How lucky am I?

In addition to writing my own books, I help picture book creators at all stages achieve their publishing dreams. Whether I’m hosting a webinar, speaking at a conference, or helping authors submit their work to agents, my goal is simple–get more great books into the hands of kids. 

Picture Books

Picture books are pure magic. The best ones combine words and art to create a story that stretches beyond what either could do alone. They give kids a place to explore the world and themselves and to learn empathy.

As the first books children usually encounter, they are often the springboard into a child’s love of reading. So picture books create readers, and readers are never alone. That is why I write them.

Speaking & School Visits

I love teaching almost as much as I love writing, so I am always thrilled when I am invited to speak at a conference, workshop, or webinar. It is a joy to share my insights on the art, craft, and business of writing picture books with fellow authors.

Likewise, I write for children because I believe they are the best readers. They are funny, sensitive, and wise. They are so willing to be inspired, which in turn inspires me. Sharing the love of reading and writing with kids is the most rewarding part of my job. 

Contact me about speaking at your school or event.

Empowering Writers

I’ve had to accept the fact that I cannot write all of the books. But that doesn’t mean I won’t do everything I can to shepherd as many of them to publication as possible! That is why I also coach other writers along the path to their own publishing dreams. 

Specifically, I founded The 12 x 12 Picture Book Writing Challenge to provide writers with monthly motivation, education, accountability, and community. I partner with three other picture book creators on Picture Book Summit, an annual online picture book conference, and with Emma Walton Hamilton on The Complete Picture Book Submissions System, intended to take the fear and guesswork out of submitting picture books. I even created 12 free mini lessons on  the craft of writing picture books (link). Wherever you are in your picture book publication journey, I can help!

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